Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone in Sanya

The first stop in Sanya tour is to Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone to worship Buddha. In fact, it is mainly because of the long stay in Nanhai sea goddess of mercy. It is recommended to take a battery car inside, otherwise it is more tired to walk. It is convenient to eat in the scenic area. The whole scenic spot features Buddhism culture. It is recommended to play in the tourism zone for 4 hours, then you can go to the End of the Earth and the Corner of the Ocean to have a visit too. If you rent a car, parking will be very convenient, and the parking fee is only 5 yuan. Car rental is recommended if you want to have better experience for you Sanya tour.

The whole Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone in Sanya includes the entire temple complex of Nanshan Temple and the giant statue of Nanhai sea goddess of mercy. It is situated in the mountains and stands on the coast. Sometimes there is a sea breeze blowing, and there is a fragrant incense, which is quite artistic. Geographically speaking, it is relatively remote. It is about 30 kilometers away from the west side of Phoenix Airport. In terms of fares, it is not too expensive. Plus the scenic spot is large, it can be played for about three hours, which is not bad. Overall, the experience is relatively good. The Nanhai sea goddess of mercy is really spectacular, and the surrounding scenery is pretty good.

Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone is a national AAAAA tourist scenic spot, a national key scenic spot, a national civilized scenic tourist area demonstration site, a Chinese Habitat Environment Model Award, a Chinese Buddhist famous mountain resort, a Chinese tourism development priority project, and a Hainan eco-tourism demonstration scenic spot.

Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone in Sanya is one of the famous attractions in Sanya, the traffic is very convenient, the environment is quiet and the 108-meter three-faced goddess of mercy is stunning. Overall it is very shocking and it is worth a visit!