Mutianyu Great Wall

Mutianyu Great Wall is a five A-level scenic spots. Personally, compared to the Badaling Great Wall, which is also the five A-level scenic spot, Mutianyu Great Wall has relatively few people here. There are many foreigners and the management is much better. First of all, the management of the parking lot is very standard, and there is an underground parking lot, from the beginning of reaching the scenic spot, there are people to guide the parking. Secondly, the catering and sale of souvenirs are also managed in an orderly manner. The catering industry has introduced the fast food enterprises such as Subway and Burger King. The hygiene aspect gives people a good impression, and the sales of souvenirs are not strongly required. There is still a distance from the gate of the scenic spot to the place where the mountain is climbed. The scenic spot can be reached by a shuttle bus, which can be half price for those who are over 60 years old. In addition, there are cable cars and ropeway slides to choose from if you don’t want to climb the mountain in Mutianyu Great Wall. Mutianyu Great Wall is equally majestic and equally spectacular.

In order to enjoy the scenery of the Mutianyu Great Wall, it is recommended to take the cable car up and take the cableway directly from the No. 14 beacon tower. It is more economical and you can take beautiful scenery along the way. Mutianyu Great Wall has a high vegetation coverage and is suitable for spring and autumn festivals tour. The scenery is also the most beautiful among all the Great Walls. In the spring, you can enjoy the charm of the flowers, and in autumn, you will find the maple leaves here and there in the mountains. In winter, it is suitable for visiting there during the snowy days, which is extraordinarily enchanting.

The Mutianyu Great Wall still retains the historical sensation of vicissitudes of life. There are not so many tourists around. You can feel the close contact with the ancient Great Wall and feel the heavy feeling of passing through history.