Mountain Putuo

Mountain Putuo is located on a small island, and you need to make a ferry to arrive it from Zhoushan. There are Shenjiamen and Zhujiajian pier to reach Putuo Mountain. There is a video on the ferry to introduce Putuo Mountain in detail. Every year, there are many people wishing to make a wish here. The Mountain Putuo is very large. The famous scenic spots inside Mountain Putuo include Puji Temple, Huiji Temple and Fayu Temple. Maybe it will be a bit nervous during the day visiting in Mountain Putuo, because you have to take a boat to the Luojia Mountain, so it is recommended to play there for a day and a half to two days.

If you live on the island, then go to the nearest temple. And then you can worship the other two temples according to your situation. If you go to the island in the morning, you usually go to Puji Temple first. On one hand, because it is not far away, on the one hand, Puji Temple has vegetarian food. After the sacrifice, and finish the vegetarian meal, you can worship the other two temples in the afternoon, then take the boat to leave. In this way, you don’t have to live on the island. After all, the accommodation on the island is expensive, and there are few places for good accommodation, and eating on the island is not cheap. There are minibuses on the island, connecting various temples and other attractions. If you go to the Huiji Temple on the top of the mountain, it is best to take the cable car. Of course, if you live on the island, it is recommended to go up the mountain by taking the cable car, worship the Huiji Temple, and follow the mountain road to go down to arrive at the Fayu Temple. Fayu Temple is the most majestic, and vegetarian meal is also the best.

When you first arrive in Mountain Putuo, you will find that it is different from the traditional mountains and rivers. It is located in the northeast of Zhoushan Peninsula, and it is surrounded by the East China Sea and connected Zhoushan by ferry. The environment is beautiful and the air is fresh. It is a good place for worship and holiday.